A. Pengertian
Descriptive Text
Descriptive Text merupakan jenis teks
yang banyak digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dalam menggambarkan benda,
tempat, manusia, hewan dan lain sebagainya. Descriptive Text adalah
sebuah teks bahasa Inggris untuk mengggmbarkan seperti apa benda atau mahluk
hidup yang kita deskripsikan, baik secara kenampakan, bau, suara, atau tekstur
dari benda atau makhluk hidup tersebut.
B. Tujuan
Komunikatif Descriptive Text
Tujuan Komunikatif
dari Descriptive Text adalah untuk menggambarkan dan mengungkapkan
ciri-ciri dari benda, tempat, atau mahluk tertentu secara umum, tenpa adanya
riset atau peneilitan secara mendalam dan menyuluruh.
C. Generic Structure Descriptive Text
Di setiap Descriptive
Text terdapat dua bagian yang menjadi ciri dari Descriptive Text itu
sendiri. Kedua bagian tersebut adalah:
1. Identification
Identification adalah bagian dari Descriptive
Text yang berisi tentang topik atau "apa" yang akan digambarkan
atau dideskripsikan.
2. Description
Description adalah bagian terakhir dari Descriptive Text yang berisi tentang pembahasan atau penggambaran tentang topik atau "apa" yang ada di Identification mengenai kenampakan fisik, kualitas, perilaku umum maupun sifat-sifatnya.
Description adalah bagian terakhir dari Descriptive Text yang berisi tentang pembahasan atau penggambaran tentang topik atau "apa" yang ada di Identification mengenai kenampakan fisik, kualitas, perilaku umum maupun sifat-sifatnya.
D. Ciri
Kebahasaan Descriptive Text
1. Descriptive
menggunakan Present Tense, misalnya: go, eat, fly, etc.
2. Descriptive
menggunakan berbagaimacam Adjectives (kata sifat) yang bersifat Describing
(mengambarkan), Numbering (Menomerkan), dan Classifying
(mengklasifikasikan), misalnya: two strong legs, sharp white fangs, etc.
3. Descriptive
menggunakan Relating Verbs untuk memberikan informasi tentang subjek,
misalnya: my mum is realy cool, it has very thick fur, etc.
4. Descriptive
menggunakan Thinking Verbs (kata kerja berpikir, seperti believe,
think, etc.) dan Feeling Verbs (kata kerja perasa, seperti feel)untuk
mengungkapkan pandangan pribadi penulis tentang subjek, misalnya: police believe
the suspect is armed, I think it is a clever animal, etc.
5. Descriptive
juga menggunakan Adverbs (kata keterangan) untuk memberikan informasi
tambahan mengenai perilaku atau sifat (Adjective) yang dijelaskan,
misalnya: it is extremely high, it runs definitely past, etc.
E. Contoh
Teks Descriptive
Di bawah ini juga
penulis juga sertakan Contoh Descriptive Text yang tentunya diharapkan
membantu pemahaman pembaca mengenai penjelasan Descriptive Text di atas.
Di sertakan pula terjemahannya.
Read the text and
answer questions 18 to 22.
Makassar is the provincial capital of South Sulawesi,
Indonesia, and the largest city on Sulawesi Island. From 1971 to 1999, the city
was named Ujung Pandang, after a pre-colonial fort in the city, and the two
names are often used interchangeably. The port city is located at 5°8′S
119°25′E, on the southwest coast of the island of Sulawesi, facing the Makassar
strait. Its area is 175.77 km2 and has population of around 1.4 million.
Makassar is home to several prominent landmarks including the 16th century Dutch fort Fort Rotterdam, Trans Studio Makassar the third largest indoor theme park in the world and the Karebosi Link the first underground shopping center in Indonesia.
Makassar has several famous traditional foods. The most famous is Coto Makassar. It is a stew made from the mixture of nuts and spices with beef parts which include beef brain, tongue and intestine. Konro rib dish is also popular traditional food in Makassar. Both Coto Makassar and Konro are usually eaten with Burasa, glutinous rice with coconut milk and sauted coconut granule.
In addition, Makassar is the home of pisang epe, or pressed bananas. These are bananas which are pressed, grilled, and covered with palm sugar sauce and sometimes eaten with Durian. Many street vendors sell pisang epe, especially around the area of Losari beach.
Makassar is home to several prominent landmarks including the 16th century Dutch fort Fort Rotterdam, Trans Studio Makassar the third largest indoor theme park in the world and the Karebosi Link the first underground shopping center in Indonesia.
Makassar has several famous traditional foods. The most famous is Coto Makassar. It is a stew made from the mixture of nuts and spices with beef parts which include beef brain, tongue and intestine. Konro rib dish is also popular traditional food in Makassar. Both Coto Makassar and Konro are usually eaten with Burasa, glutinous rice with coconut milk and sauted coconut granule.
In addition, Makassar is the home of pisang epe, or pressed bananas. These are bananas which are pressed, grilled, and covered with palm sugar sauce and sometimes eaten with Durian. Many street vendors sell pisang epe, especially around the area of Losari beach.
- 1. Where is Makassar located?
Answer key: Makassar is located on
South Sulawesi.
- 2. Based on the text, what is the biggest city on Sulawesi Island?
Answer key: the biggest city on
Sulawesi Island is Makassar.
- 3. What is the old name of Makassar?
Answer key: the old name Makassar is
Ujung Pandang.
- 4. According to the text, what is the first underground shopping center in Indonesia?
Answer key: the first underground
shopping center in Indonesia is Karebosi Link.
- 5. What is the most well-known food in Makassar?
key: the most well-known food in Makassar is Coto Makassar.
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